
| Ellie Kyungran Heo in Oomachi ”3”

Ellie Kyungran Heo in Oomachi ”3”


アーティスト|エリー・キョンラン・ホ ELLIE KYUNGRAN HEO|ブログ

Whilst Mr. Yamamoto was struggling with his broken machine, Mr.Maruta made a sudden appearance. Mr. Marta started helping out Mr.Yamamoto with his machine for the rice harvest.


Mr. Maruta and his machine passed through the centre of the rice paddy.


After that he kept going round in circles. Also, he showed me the harvested rice drying in his garden.


Then, I saw him covering the land with straw and turning the soil for the next year’s rice crops.


While watching him harvest the rice, I realized that those who draw the biggest paintings in the world are farmers. Farmers are people who paint on the land. Also, one thing that I thought was very curious was that, during a tea break in the rice field, when Mr. Maruta introduced himself to Mr. Yamamoto’s friend, he said “I am a musician”.