Seeds Folklore

Chikai Kakizaki(Japan)

This work expresses the life of people as evidenced by food, with small seeds as material. According to Kakizaki, “They circulate, with an all-encompassing memory. They do not remain, and keep changing – looking into the present and living through everything.” He focuses on the food culture of Omachi, dealing with episodes, folk tales connected to food, and ways of relation to nature, to decorate the space of Rurban Nakatsuna’s café&restaurant YAMAMBA.

Chikai Kakizaki

Chikai Kakizaki(Japan)

Born in 1979 in Tochigi, and lives in Tokyo. Aiming to fully utilize his hands and fingers, Kakizaki creates artwork from tiny objects found in nature and daily life. He collects small material like seeds and nuts, and creates work that can return to the earth and regrow.


Years of production 2024
Area Nishina Three Lakes Area