Seasons hitchhike (the case of winter)


Aoituki, an artist unit consisting of Aoi Yamada and Takamura Tsuki, is performing at a campsite by Lake Kizaki. As the lakeside area transitions from summer to autumn, the first breezes of winter arrive. During an unplanned break in its travel, winter spends time with the others it encounters, and communicates. In daily life, things keep changing quickly and unexpected events happen – the narrative embraces what has occurred, and also looks forward to what is to be.



A poetry and dance unit consisting of Aoi Yamada and Takamura Tsuki. Using physicality and words, they play with fragments of memory, making dents or crumpling them into balls – wishing they could become someone else’s. In addition, they both pursue individual projects and are members of Tokyo QQQ, a living performance group.


Years of production 2024
Area Event
Dates and times: 9/14 (Sat) 13:00-/9/15 (Sun) 13:00-
Location: Lake Kizaki (Ninina Sanko area)
Performers: Aoitsuki (Aoiyamada, Takamuratsuki)
Admission: 2000 yen (pre-booking required) (lunch included)