Paper Garden by Origami

Tomoko Fuse(Japan)

In a tatami room of Shinano-Kizaki Summer College, which has a history of more than a century, Paper Garden appears. This group of work consists of abstract flowers and rocks, made simply by folding huge sheets of paper – measuring tens of meters – which color the space like a Japanese dry garden, or karesansui. One thing splits into two, in turn they split into two... endlessly. The repeated folding of Fuse develops into a geometric three-dimensional piece, with the softness and shadows cast by the paper expressing the tranquility of the space.

Tomoko Fuse

Tomoko Fuse(Japan)

Born 1951 in Niigata, Currently resides in Omachi, Nagano. Origami artist. She plays an active leading role in a type of origami where different parts are placed together, called “Unit Origami”. She also spends a great deal of time creating industrial goods such as origami lampshades and pots. She moved to Yasaka, Omachi in Nagano Prefecture in 1986. She has authored several books. She has fans both in Japan and abroad, and her books have been translated into many languages such as English, German, and Korean. She is an honorary member of CDO (Centoro Diffusione Origami) and OD (Origami Deutschland).


Years of production 2024
Area Nishina Three Lakes Area