We want Artist who realize miracle!
I think Artist have the ability of realizing miracle. Because I believe that Artist can convict their own instinct and update their life through the realisation of Artworks. Our generation is transition period and more information will be visible through the development of computers and efficient system. If we go on this way, each of us should know what oneself really want to do and how oneself keep doing it as an human beings. That is the most important ability of us in this transition period.
I am born in Tokyo and grow up in city. I moved into Nagano prefecture from UK at 2012 when I got baby. I went local job center and started to work for Omachi city council to chase monkeys. I was chasing monkey everyday for 2 years and I worked as the supporter of the farmer in the battle with monkeys. I was driving the foot of mountain from 8 to 17o’clock and it was a great experience to know the richness of Shinano-Omachi area. the water coming down from Japanese north alps brings up all the good foods like rice,wheat, vegetables, and fishes. I also experienced the spring with snowmelt water, the summer with explosion of greens, the autumn with violent colors, and the winter with whiteout scape. That gave me understandings of four seasons in Japan and the beauty of local lifestyle.
This is the opportunity to come to countryside of Japan at the foot of mountains. the snow will be falling from middle of December and it will be white out scape at February. The studio facilities of Asahi AIR is built in 44 years ago, so you will be experiencing the old Japanese lifestyle. I am looking forward to meet an Artist who realize something miracle from deep part of Japan. Thank you.
Sosei Sato (Chief coordinator)
募集要項Application guidelines
Artists and creators are invited to participate in working at the foot of Japanese north alps.
Program theme
“Mountain, Snow, a Lifestyle”
あさひAIR 信濃大町アーティストインレジデンス
Shinano-Omachi Asahi AIR
滞在期間Length of stay at the studio
from 2016 February 1st to March 14th
*Artists are required to stay at the studio during the project period between February 10th Sunday and March 11th
募集人数Number of artists
A proposal of your project idea based on the program themes, a plan for how you might exhibit your work and a proposal for a workshop program.
- 創作活動に関係する仕事に従事しているもの(アーティスト、クリエーター等)※国籍、居住地、年齢(18歳以上)、性別、ジャンル不問
- 滞在目的を理解し、滞在の成果を報告できること(成果報告の形式については相談の上決定)
- 期間中、上記テーマを素材とした芸術文化作品を作成すること
- 市民交流プログラム等がある場合は積極的に参加すること
- 制作、展示・撤去を自分で行うこと
- 一人で滞在中の生活を支障なく行えること
- 地域住民やスタッフ等と良好な関係をもって交流ができること
- その他、施設の利用規約を守ること
- オープニングイベント、成果報告となるイベントのいずれも参加できること
- Any nationality, place of residence, age (you must be at least 18 years old when you start the residence), sex or gender.
- Applicants must have experience of a previous artist in residence program. (Students are not eligible) * Acceptable areas are fine art, music, craft, theater, dance, literary arts, photography, film and design.
- Selected artists must understand the aim of the resident program and report their results at the end of the program (the form of the report presentation will be decided upon following discussion).
- Selected artists should create at least one artwork which influenced by the characteristics of Omachi city.
- Selected artists are expected to participate in events and activities organized at Shinano-Omachi Asahi AIR.
- Selected artists are responsible for producing work, exhibiting and taking down the exhibition.
- Selected artists must be able to support themselves throughout their stay.
- Selected artists must abide by the regulations of the facility.
- Selected artists must attend the opening event and the event for result report.
- You must be able to communicate with the other selected artists in English.
The following support is given to artists participating in the program.
- 宿泊棟の使用料(電気・ガス・水道・WIFI含む)・暖房費を無料とします。
- サポートボランティアの募集、周辺機関等との連携等のサポート
- 広報協力、地元芸術機関との交流
- あさひAIR事務局が制作した活動記録(写真・動画)データの提供
- Studio rent (include : electricity, water, Wifi connection) and heating expenses.
- Support of expenses for creation (see the grant guideline)
- Arrangement of volunteer support and cooperation with related organizations.
- Press materials and interaction with local art communities.
- Documentation materials which Asahi Air has produced (photos and videos).
*You are required to arrange travel insurance, which must cover the entire stay including journey to Omachi and to send a copy of the certificate to Asahi AIR prior to your journey.
*Please bring your own laptop as no computer will be provided
活動支援金Grant guidelines
* Travel and material fees can only be reimbursed in Japanese Yen in exchange with receipts and boarding passes (showing the date of purchase, amount of payment, travel itinerary and name of the passenger). Participants should bring enough money to cover the initial spending ideally for the first month.
旅費 | 大町市旅費規程の計算方法により算出した額を支給します。(上限15万円) |
滞在費支給 | 1日あたり、2700円を支給します。 ※滞在費は額面上3000円とし、共益費として、1日300円徴収させていただきます。 |
滞在場所 | 原則としてあさひAIRに滞在していただきます。 |
制作費 | 事務局と相談の上、実費分を主催者が負担します。(上限22万円) |
保険 | 健康保険及び傷害保険等はアーティスト側で加入すること。主催者は保険加入等に関する義務は負いません。 |
地域交流事業費 | 事務局と相談の上、実費分を主催者が負担します。(上限5万円) |
Our grants includes |
Travel costs (up to 150,000 yen) in exchange with receipts and boarding passes |
Daily allowance (2700 yen) |
Material Fees (up to 220,000 yen in total) in exchange with receipts |
Cultural exchange workshop (up to 50,000 Yen) in exchange with receipts |
Accommodation studio: one room per person (open 24-hours).
Please visit the website to view photos of the room. Artists must follow the regulations regarding the use of the rooms.
* Common areas are open to public. Artists are required to consult with members of staff in advance regarding usage of this space.
- 支給する活動支援金には上限がありますので、それを超えて滞在制作に係る経費は各自の負担となります。
- 制作スタジオは共有スペースですので、占有できません。
※制作スペース以外の場所を利用したい場合は、事務局と協議し、利用時期や方法を検討します。 - 海外居住の方で日本入国の旅券、ビザが必要な場合は各自の責任で取得してください。
- Any expenses exceeding Grants guideline must be covered by the artist.
- Facilities in the Asahi AIR except for allocated studios cannot be occupied.
* When using areas outside the residence studio, consult with members of staff to arrange the time and discuss the usage in advance. - Overseas residents who need a passport and visa to enter Japan must take responsibility for obtaining the correct documentation.
日本と租税条約を締結していない国、または締結していても課税対象となる国から招聘された場合、旅費 活動費 交通費補助の支給額より規定の所得税が徴収される場合があります。
Artists from countries which have not concluded a tax treaty or a country which Japan has concluded the tax treaty with but where income is taxable may be liable for income tax on the sum provided to support their activities and transportation.
応募締切Deadline of Application
January 7th. The application must reach us no later than January 7th
滞在期間Length of stay at the studio
from 2016 February 1st to March 14th
* Artists are required to stay at the studio during the project period between February 10th Sunday and March 11th
*The selected Artists will be announced at 20th of January on the website.
応募方法How to apply
Please complete the following application forms and submit either via e-mail or post.
(Please upload to a web server if your application file is large and mention the link to download, or use a high volume file transfer service.)
応募書類Required documents
- 応募フォーム 申請書
- 1年以内に撮影された顔写真(応募フォームに添付)
- ポートフォリオ(作品画像付、作品点数10点程度)/A4サイズ/公開可能な資料
※データ、ページ数の制限:メール送付の場合は20MB以内、郵送の場合は10ページまで - その他、ホームページ、DVDなどの参考資料(任意)
- 日本国籍以外の方はパスポートIDページのコピーを添付してください。
- 作品提案書(どんな作品をつくりたいのか?その作品をつくる事は義務ではありませんので、ぜひ想像力を全開にした提案を教えてください。)
- Application form
- Passport photo taken in the last year (attach to the application form)
- Portfolio (up to 10 images of your work) A4 size / data which can be shown to public.
Portfolio data up to 20MB via email or up to 10 pages via post. - Other relevant information such as website or DVD (optional)
- Overseas applicants must attach a copy of their passport ID page.
- Proposal of Artwork you want to make in Asahi Air (it does not means you need to make exact work you planed. we just want to see your first impression and imagination of our residency.)
送付先Where to send
① Eメール: asahi-airshinano-omachi.jp 「件名:公募プログラム応募」
② 郵送: 〒398-0002 長野県大町市大町1601-2 大町市文化会館内 信濃大町AIR事業推進協議会 事務局 宛
E-mail: asahi-airshinano-omachi.jp / Title: “Application for an open call”
Post: To: Open Call to Asahi AIR
Asahi AIR Omachi-Bunkakaikan 1601-2 Omachi Nagano Japan. 398-0002
選考・通知についてSelection and notification
Asahi AIR committee will select the Artists based on the application forms and portfolios submitted. All applicants will be notified of the results by 2016 January 20th.
- 締切を過ぎた書類はいかなる理由でも受けつけられません。
- 提出いただいた書類・ポートフォリオ・DVD等は返却致しません。
- 選考に関するお問い合わせは一切受けられません。
※ 締め切直前に応募される方は、必ず事前にご連絡ください。不達の場合審査の対象とならないことがあります。
- Applications which arrive after the deadline will not be accepted.
- Any application material which is damaged or illegible will not be considered.
- Submitted documents, portfolios and DVDs will not be returned.
- No enquiries about selection will be accepted.
- We will send you a confirmation email once we receive your application form.
- However if you do not hear from us after a few days, please get in touch.
応募要項・応募フォームダウンロードApplication Form download
Please download the application form from below. or e-mail to [asahi-airshinano-omachi.jp] for requesting the application form.