
| 家を守る ー  Jolene Mok

家を守る ー  Jolene Mok





Jolene Mok インタビューより抜粋



Notes on “Mountain”
In ie wo mamoru, there is only one shot that has mountain in it, which is the shot having Matsubaya san (Yasuko) enjoying tea break at the watchtower in Matsubaya Hotel. The panoramic window view at the background of this shot profiles certain part of the surrounding mountain range in Ōmachi. To be specific, mountain has not been profiled as a major element in this work, nor the mountain has been highlighted visually, it does not mean that mountain has no significant contribution in relation to the making of this work. All the characters involved in this video are inhabitants of Ōmachi City, whose living landscape are all surrounded by mountains. While this is a character-specific and site-specific work that reflects the ordinary lives of Ōmachi local people, mountain would be an essential element, which shapes the behavior of all these people. Rather than engaging, addressing the mountain directly, I choose to look at the consequential influences that cast on the inhabitants who live in mountainous landscape. I set the goal to collect video documents of 8 local families within each of their domestic space, including traditional Japanese-style houses; contemporarily remodeled homes, as well as condo apartments. An observational approach that document ordinary domestic activities that take place in homes are what the work is about.


残念ながら今年は、30年に1度と言われるほど降雪量の少ない冬でした。正直、「雪」を制作テーマのひとつとして提示しているあさひAIRのレジデンスを訪れ、一面の雪景色を期待していました。地域の人達がどのように雪と一緒に暮らしているのか?という事に興味があり、家の前で雪かきをする人、大きな除雪機で豪快に道路整備する姿や、屋根から定期的に落ちる雪を見る事などを期待していたのですが、なかなか遭遇できませんでした。  最初の2週間「雪は降る、きっと降る、ちょっと待てればいい」と自分に言い聞かせていましたが、待てば待つほどそれが失敗だった事に気づかされました。私は6週間のレジデンスで新しい作品を創るために来ているのに、一面雪景色の世界に生活する人達を空想しすぎたのだと思います。私が雪を味わえないという事は、地元の人たちも雪のある冬を楽しんでいないという事です。そう考えると、降らない雪を嘆くのではなく、地域住民の暮らし、この土地で生きているそのまま姿に注目しなければいけないと思いました。そこで地域の家族の何気ない日常を観察する事へ視点を変えた事が、自分の作品の新しい方向性を指示してくれたました。だから今では雪の少ない大町へ来れた事を感謝しています。

Notes on “Snow”
This winter is the “once-in-a-30-year” un-snowy winter season in Ōmachi city. Frankly speaking, it has been quite a frustrating experience to deal with the not-so-snowy condition for a residency that has a theme entitling the importance of snow. I once was imagining my work would be about the way local people handle snow in their everyday life. I was hoping to witness the routine of people shoveling snow in front of their houses; to see some powerful snow-shoveling machine clearing up the snow-covered roads; to experience the constantly falling snow bits from housetops. And yet it was basically impossible for me to encounter any of those occasions along the way. In the first two weeks, I was convincing myself that the snow would come, just give it some time. However, the longer I waited the more I realized that I was hoping for the wrong thing to happen in this particular time. I come to Ōmachi to create new work base on my 6-week living experience here. I was fantasizing too much about being in a snowy landscape. If I do not experience a snowy winter in Ōmachi, that means local also do not enjoying a snowy winter. Instead of whining about the unfortunate occasion of not having an un-snowy winter, I should just pay attention to the way local people live their lives as it is (so no ma ma). So, after all, thanks to the un-snowy condition found in winter 2016, I managed to shift my focus to focus intensely on observing local families’ everyday life, which paves a new direction to the development of my work.



今回のテーマである三つの要素「山・雪・生活」の中でも、「生活」はとくに抽象的な概念だと思います。生活は山や雪の様な物質ではないので、簡単に表現したり、視覚化する事ができません。そう考えると「生活」は多様な方法で認識される、それぞれの精神状態の集合ともいう事ができます。  大町に住んでいる8つの家庭の何気ない日常に注目し始めてから、私はそれぞれの家族を繋げるための共通項として、「名前」を見つけました。「家を守る」の物語はプロジェクトに参加してくれた人達の名前にまつわる話しを伺いながら組みあがっていきました。観てくれた人が、私達の名前がどのように家族で生きるという事を関係しているのか、改めて考える機会になれば幸いです。

Notes on “Lifestyle”
Among these three elements – mountain, snow, and lifestyle – I regard ‘lifestyle’ as the most abstract concept among all. Unlike mountain nor snow, lifestyle is not some objects that could be easily represented or visualized. I would describe lifestyle as a state of mind, which could be interpreted differently in very many ways. Since I chose to focus on observing/video documenting domestic daily lives in 8 local families in Ōmachi, I needed to look for a common ground to weave the anyhow disconnected families altogether. I ended up taking the idea to the very basic, which is the naming of people, i.e. their names. Through investigating the stories of each of the names of the characters involved in my project, I constructed the narrative of ie wo mamoru basing on the names and naming stories I collected along the way. As a result, I hope to open up the room for viewers to rethink the relational qualities between our names and family lives.





